That Special Feeling

Well, it isn’t done, but I’ve hit that half-way mark. I mean, I’m pretty sure I have. Mostly sure. Let’s just say I did, ok? 65,000 words, which would make the total count around 130,000, the generally preferred length of most sci-fi novels. I could go over or under, but I’m confident that it’ll land somewhere around there. So I did it! I feel pretty proud of that. It’s certainly taken long enough, but you can’t dwell on that. The point is that you’ve gotten there, and that you can feel satisfied knowing that those are all your words on the page, things you’ve done and thoughts you’ve had. You, being me of course. But I’m trying to include you here.

For your consideration: George Bernard Shaw surfing.

So, all revisions and re-writes included, I’m sneaking up on the six year mark, which will roll around sometime this February. But that won’t matter, because I’ll have it long done by then. I’m hoping it can be a birthday present to myself this October, but we’ll see. I seem to work at a snails pace, but it does get done, so I’m not too fussed. It’s the quality that matters, and honestly as I go back and re-read this draft, I have to say it stands up well.

When I start sending out drafts, hopefully you’ll agree, and I’ll make it big and we can all celebrate with a serialised deal and a movie option. You know, a lot of people have quite a few bad things to say about 50 Shades of Grey, but that’s the sort of thing that inspires me. I look at a book like that and think hey, there’s an audience for everything, and that audience is only growing. In any case, I just wanted to jump on here and share the news. Now it’s back into my hole while I hammer out a few more words for tonight. Hope you’re all having a lovely time.


  1. Congrats on the milestone!!
    As a fellow snail’s pace writer, I empathize with your occasional bout of self-doubt. But it helps to remember that everything you’ve learned in the first half of this draft will serve to make the second half much easier to complete.
    Love the picture! George Bernard Shaw? Surfing?! Cowabunga. 😉


    1. Haha yeah, it’s difficult to imagine a cooler picture of anything. I’m finding consistency goes a long ways in getting things done, on-again-off-again writing just isn’t productive, though I hope you’re right and this second half will be easier. Are you a novelist?


      1. I’m holding you to your word about that autographed copy!!! 🙂 And that’s wonderful that you’re doing better at the violin!! I haven’t played since the last time I told you I played, so maybe I should start up again….


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